Sunday, May 1, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Here's to hoping this adage is true.

The storms that hit the south have been awful. You don't need me to tell you that they have literally devastated neighborhoods, towns and cities.  Our first big night was on Monday in Little Rock.  John took the below pictures and then proceeded to run in as it approached us.  I've been through bad weather all my life, but nothing like this.  The whole freight train sound and walls shaking--yep, totally know what they are talking about now.  Thank goodness we didn't sustain any damage aside from some water around the windows (still not sure how water got INSIDE the house) and some beat up landscaping.  Our neighbors lost a tree and another neighbor lost a window.  This is the same tornado that landed in Vilonia, AR and was on the ground for a while.  There were approx 20 deaths and numerous injuries there.  Other parts of the state had loss of life and property, but Vilonia was by far the worst.  We had storms the following two days with two days of sunshine and then storms again.  What we are now experiencing is major flooding.  The rivers are overflowing and the dams are at capacity.  The U.S. Corp is trying to release water incrementally in order to stay ahead of the flooding, but the rain just wont stop. 
Tornado from the news-This photo is of  630 looking west....right about exactly where we live!  Somebody from Baptist Hospital took this photo and sent it to the news. 

This is the water gushing from behind our fence right after the heaviest part of the rain.
This is how our backyard looked after the storm passed.

All of this being said, we have nothing in comparison to Alabama.  What they experienced is totally heart breaking.  At approx 300 dead and 1,700 injured,  I can't imagine the rebuild.  The Red Cross and FEMA are on the ground and working to help with the rebuild.  Please donate if you can!  Donate your time, talent, resources and especially prayers.  Pick a city, state, or town--all are accepting on-line donations and there are various groups collecting supplies and sending trucks to the affected areas.  At the end of the day, one death or 300, it is equally sad.

Aside from the Our Father and Hail Mary that we were praying in the closet on Monday night, I was especially asking my Guardian Angel to protect us.  I love this prayer...

Prayer to Guardian Angel
Angel of God my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here.  Ever this day be at my side to light, to guard, to rule and guide, Amen.

Thank you Jesus and the host of angels who kept us safe!

April, I hardly knew ya!

Where we have been this last month, I'm not sure!  We've been as busy as ever, but I can't really put my thumb on exactly what we've been doing.  Nothing fun, I promise.  More like...painting the lake house, cleaning out the lake house, yard work, house name it.  Spring cleaning is no fun, but it must be done.  For anyone who has been to the lake house, we are painting the inside white.  Wow--what a difference a coat of paint makes.  Ok, numerous coats of primer and at least two coats of paint--who am I kidding?  Can't wait to post pictures soon.

I do have several things to share--storms, lake house facelift, Royal Wedding commentary, Blessed John Paul II, and my debut at Toad Suck.  Hopefully I'll get caught up on my blogging soon.