Sunday, September 4, 2011

Oops, I did it again!

How do I let so much time pass by between blogs?  Yes, we have been busy, but I still find time to check email, facebook, popsugar, and pinterest!  Oh my, pinterest is my new obsession of choice!  It is like twitter, but for fashion, party planning, and decorating etc.  John loves it for the architectural ideas and photos.  It is really a great way to find ideas and "pin" to your board for later.  Ok, I just figured out how this happened.  I've spent the last two months on pinterest...ha,ha. 

The good news is that John has recently purchased a new work laptop.  It is so fancy that you can just take out the memory disc from your camera, pop it into the super special insert spot on the laptop, and ta daa--all the photos are uploaded.  No more searching for your camera/computer cord and uploading.  I'm so happy and look forward to updating the blog on all of our summer that I have good photos to post.

Happy Labor Day!