Sunday, February 24, 2013

Valentine's Day Trip

Happy Valentine's Day from snowy Colorado!

Wade, me, John and John's Uncle Steve
John and his Uncle Steve
John and I went to Colorado on Valentine's Day and stayed through Sunday.  We had a world wind trip with college basketball, skiing, sightseeing, and visiting with John's dear God Father, Father Tom.  The above photos was from the University of Colorado basketball game.  They beat the top ranked University of Arizona.  We sat on the floor right in front of the student section.  There were some excited students!

The next day, we headed up the mountain to Loveland for some skiing.  We were so thankful to have Wade with us for navigating purposes and his mad ski skills.  I haven't skied in ages and I wasn't super great last time I went, so I felt like I had two of my personal ski instructors with the very abled skiers in John and Wade.  One was in front and one was behind/beside at all times.  It was awesome!  It was C.O.L.D. but very awesome.

ElK Horn Sheep crossing en route to Loveland

John & Wade taking a break from schooling me.

My Valentine & I

16 degrees, wind, snow, first time on the slopes in 10+ years--not too shabby!

On our last day in Colorado, we toured around Denver and got to enjoy the city.  We met up with Father Tom for some visiting and dinner.  We were able to see his new apartment and enjoy the gorgeous view from his sitting room.  He is always such a treat and an inspiration, and we are so happy he was in town while we were there.

Dinner at a neighborhood restaurant favorite of Father Tom's

John and Father Tom discussing

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Dad turned another year older, and we invited ourselves to Shreveport to help him celebrate.  As always, a fun time was had by all.

We made breakfast, but only Dad can thinly slice the salmon.

Breakfast & Birthday Gifts (Nike Fuel Band was a B.I.G. hit)
 Dad turned 65 on February 3!  While most people likely walk into the senior citizen category somewhat hesitantly, Dad jogged in with the vigor of a 50 year old!  He diligently signed up for medicare and is looking forward to all those the movies, restaurants, hotels etc.  He knows how to age with grace!

Sisters pre-dinner

The ladies
Kerry, Clay, John and I prepared a big breakfast on Saturday, and Dad chose to go to Ristorante Guiseppe for dinner.  So, after 4 PM Mass, where we all received the blessing of the throat in honor of St. Blaise, we went home to freshen up and head to dinner.  We dined on meats, cheeses, salad, pasta and fish.  Despite Kerry asking me to take numerous photos of our meal(s), I declined and decided to enjoy the moment and not capture the lovely dishes for this blog.  Believe me, they were all very decadent and very photo worthy.  The above photos are all pre-dinner.

The birthday guy & Suzanne at dinner

Italian Cream--the same cake every year!
It isn't every year your birthday falls on Superbowl Sunday!  It isn't ever year you turn 65 and enter a new phase of life...government entitlement programs!  I know, he paid in...ha,ha.  Here is to milestones, medicare and hopefully only mid-life.  Happy Birthday never looked better.