I have lost count the number of times we have moved since we've known each other. Before we married, one of us was always moving out of one apartment or house. Finally, we bought our first house in Alexandria, VA right before our wedding...then moved to Little Rock, AR...then to Hot Springs, AR...then to El Dorado, AR...and now to Denver, CO! In the meantime, John's mom has bought and sold several homes and my dad has moved a time or two. The good part about moving is that you are constantly purging. I'm not saying that I toss things left and right, but I am pretty good at donating a goodly amount. Hopefully, between the Salvation Army, Goodwill, Dress for Success and St. Agnes Guild Thrift Shop, somebody (or somebodies) have also been blessed as a result of our numerous moves. We have been house hunting since February and still haven't found a home. The market in Denver is on fire, and after buying high (more than once), we refuse to be caught up in the frenzy that is the upswing of a housing market. We are taking our time and being very picky. And, because of this, we finally gave in and decided to rent an apartment for a few months (which may turn into a few more). The good news is that it is safe, clean, and new, and we are very comfortable there for now or as long as it takes to find the perfect home. No rush...no pressure...I'm very happy about this! We have six storage units in AR and one in CO. John almost emptied out one in AR as a result of this mini-move and we cleaned out the CO one. Progress, right?

John is the best mover in the world. He packed the truck ALL BY HIMSELF! How he did this is beyond me. I was getting my hair highlighted. A girl can't move to a new state with roots! |
Our patio home/town house/apartment |

Ah, my couch and living room rug--has been in storage for ONE YEAR. Feels good to stretch out again! |

Master Bedroom--nothing exciting, but I am happy to have my Heather Mainord strawberry field painting. |

Typical apartment kitchen-simple and clean--all I care about! |

This guy deserved a nice lunch on the patio. As a southern girl and an Arizona boy, we are not used to eating outside in JULY. I could get used to this!
Now that we are semi-settled, we are loving our new city. We are exploring all of the different parks and walking trails. John is a one-man GPS, and once he goes somewhere, he knows it. He has the back roads mastered. It blows my mind. I am the OPPOSITE of this. I master one route, and please do not make me detour. We have joined a church, St. Thomas Moore, and I have been able to go to daily Mass. John has even been able to join me for daily Mass once too. We are eating our way through this journey. We haven't had a bad meal yet. Every time we go out to breakfast, lunch or dinner...I tell John, I can't wait to bring my Dad here. Or, he'll say, my Mom would love this. You get the picture. We can't wait to have guests come, so we can share all of these delightful experiences. Below are a few photos of the lovely CO landscape.
This is totally worth waking up early for...
Morning Walk
Evening Walk
I'm becoming my grandmother...photos of flowers. I couldn't help myself!
God loves CO. This was the first rainbow I saw and a double rainbow at that. I snapped a picture and from this day on, I've noticed rainbows almost every other day. He is certainly reminding the good people of CO of His promise!
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