Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Independence Day

Happy Birthday America!  We had a splendid four day weekend at The Beehive.  Because I am part crazy woman, we did all of our shopping and setting up on Wednesday night.  On Thursday, we woke up early and hosed everything down and blew everything up (remember new favorite lake toy--it takes lots of air!).  By mid-morning, we were done and able to relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

We had a constant flow of friends from Wednesday evening to Sunday afternoon.  We had more food than we ever needed, four days of sunshine, and sensational temperatures!  The boat ran smoothly, and everyone who wanted a ride on the tube behind the boat was able to do so.  John and a friend did a back flip dismount on Saturday afternoon.  That was a little scary for this old lady, but they definitely got high marks for their synchronization!  I hope we are never too old to go for a a bumpy ride on Big Mable (or whatever they name the next tubing invention).  Also, we were able to spend a little time with our Conway family on July 4th.  We are so thankful for good friends and a close family.

God Bless the USA!

Sisters-ready for a boat ride!


Captain John

Clay and his baby, Martha

Yours truly

Stuffed with BBQ-Bill, AJ, Uncle Jerry Joe & John

On a related note, I gained some independence on July 2 when my new pair of glasses came in.  After about 10 years since my last pair of "new glasses" and five years since my last eye exam, my vision was getting fuzzier and fuzzier.  My glasses were shrinking (in all seriousness, I don't know how...but they no longer fit my head), the lenses were scratched and, quite frankly, no longer effective.  I FINALLY went to the optometrist in El Dorado, had my eyes examined, and ordered some new lenses. I'm thrilled...and so should everyone else who meets me in traffic and/or who rides with me in the car!

I know--I LOOK as smart as I AM!!

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