Thursday, June 27, 2013

Buffet & Birthdays

Still in catch up mode, but I think we are making progress...finally to May!  May is always hectic.  We celebrate Mother's Day, my birthday and Kerry's birthday.  It is also Memorial Day weekend, so we are opening up the lake house for the first time, and it is typically tornado month for Arkansas (and much of the country).  This year was no different.

The weekend before our birthday celebration, John had to go to Dallas for some business.  He invited Kerry to come along and took us to see Jimmy Buffet.  Such fun!  It was my first Buffet concert, and I am so impressed at the amount of effort the true parrot heads go through on concert day.  Tailgating and costumes...oh my.

Only picture I got of our Buffet trip to Dallas! 

The weekend of May 10 was my birthday and Mother's Day weekend.  We went to Shreveport and celebrated.  Kerry came too, and we celebrated her birthday as well!  Dad/Suzanne took us to Superior Grill on Friday night, and they cooked lobster on Saturday.  As Granny would say...we were "eating high on the hog" all weekend!

Happy Birthday to ME--May 10 @ Superior Grill

After a tough day lounging in the pool, we are having appetizers on the porch.

Ok, fine...we are celebrating Kerry too :)!

Oh cheese crostini with onions.

In the meantime, supper was being prepared by the chefs.

Performing surgery on the lobsters

Making them pretty

Pommes Anna

Plated Goodness

The dinner table

This is what it looked like before the food was plated.
I had more pictures, but can't seem to make them upload to the blog.

We are so thankful we enjoyed every minute of the weekend, because the house was hit by a tornado the very next Thursday.  It damaged the house pretty bad, so the rest of the summer looks like it is going to be spent managing construction crews.  They are getting a new roof, a new back wall, new furniture, a new piano, new carpet, new windows, new gutters, and lots of new landscaping.  No lives were lost, so it is really hard to complain.  Regardless, it is putting a damper on the summer season for them!

The tornado that hit Dad's house in Shreveport!

The back wall of the house was literally pushed out by the pressure.  Needless to say, we are so thankful nobody was home!
Finally, we went to The Bee Hive for Memorial Day Weekend.  Kerry got another little birthday celebration, and we had lots of good R & R.  John and I bought our new favorite lake toy at Sam's Club this year.  We are thrilled with our purchase!

There really are no words to describe the joy that this seats 6 adults lake toy has brought to us!!!

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