John and I have been somewhat active in the pro-life community in Little Rock. We have by no means been more active than many of our friends, but we have found a happy place of prayer, volunteer work, and financial contribution to one of our favorite ministries, Saint Joseph's Helpers. It is a pregnancy resource center that helps women who find themselves in crisis pregnancy situations. We were introduced to this ministry by friends from Christ The King, and it quickly became our "go to" for everything pro-life. I volunteered there on Tuesdays until I went back to work full time and then became a regular Saturday volunteer. Sadly, my last day was June 23 because of our most recent move--more on our 'recent move' later! On June 25, SJH had a golf day and challenged each golfer to raise approximately $1,200. We were a little behind on our fund raising effort, and I got busy on facebook while John was playing golf. The donations poured in and we hit our goal. We were amazed at the generosity of our friends and family and encouraged that so many people support protecting the life of the unborn. Each golfer had a golf cart all to himself and basically had a private day of golfing at Pleasant Valley Country Club. If it had not been the hottest day of the calendar year, it would have been perfect. It was very hot but very good. I got to ride in the golf cart and cheer my golfer on! We hope to participate again next year-especially because rumor has it, the date will be much earlier in the year. Yay for cooler temps!
John's first drive of the morning. |
What a view! |
Um, where's my ball? |
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