Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sunday Fun Day

The weather in Arkansas has been unusually strange this winter.  We have had sunny warm weather one day and an epic snow storm two days later.  It has been odd to say the least.  I would be lying if I said I was enjoying these snow days.  Yeah, at first it is fun--making comfort foods, cuddling up on the couch for a movie, watching the neighbor kids make a snow man etc.  That wears off after about 24 hours-48 hours max!  I explain all of this to let you know that we have learned to monitor and adjust.  When Mother Nature gives us a warm sunny day, we take advantage of it like you wouldn't believe.  Two weekends ago we had such a beautiful day.  It was sunny and warm and was totally what my spirit needed.

 John indulged me in one of my favorite past times-hiking!  I love hiking.  I love being outside-breathing in the fresh air and taking in all of the sights and sounds of the trail.  We go to Pinnacle Mountain as much as possible.  I think it is safe to say that John likes to hike and I love to hike.  All in all, we are two happy campers.  On this particular day, we agreed that we deserved a treat after our strenuous hike.  Orange leaf, here we come!  This place is awesome.  It is self-serve yogurt with self-serve toppings.  Your cup is weighed and you pay by the weight.  I thought it would be nice because most of the yogurt there is either fat free or low fat.  Sadly they don't have any sugar free (come on Orange Leaf--you're killing me).  Did I mention this is all self-serve?  Take a look at the photos below :)!!

John standing in front of a massive root.
Another view--this tree literally fell over and pulled the root system completely up.

One of our favorite trees

The sun was was shining through the trees--so pretty!

Reward Time-can you guess who made which treat?

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