Happy Easter from the Shreveport, Louisiana!
Dad and Suzanne hosted their first family holiday gathering this past Easter. John and I went down on Thursday and enjoyed our mini vacation in Shreveport. We were able to try out the new pool, and I must say that I approve. We both got a little sun kissed and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We went out to dinner on Thursday night where Dad, Suzanne and John almost got food poisoning by eating expired red snapper. The bad part is that all three of them ordered it and were so excited to see the huge piece of beautiful pan seared fish presented in front of them. Not one to "grin and bear it", John finally spoke up that it tasted bad and everyone quickly agreed. Props to John for speaking up. We attended Good Friday services and the Veneration of the Cross. I love the full Holy Week experience. As always, we ate our way through the weekend. Cooked some great meals and went out for some extra special suppers.
On Holy Saturday, John and I were tasked with a few errands. One of which was to pick up the strawberry pies from Strawn's Restaurant. YUM!!! We have a new favorite pie...STRAWN'S STRAWBERRY PIE. It was so good, and I learned that the recipe is in an old Southern Living catalog. It is worth doing the research if you don't plan on being in Shreveport to get the real deal in the near future. With strawberries coming into season, now is the time to try out this recipe (or take a road trip to Shreveport).
We went to the Easter Vigil Mass. It was so spiritually satisfying to attend this Mass. Seeing the catechumens declare their faith and intent to enter the Catholic Church--young and old--makes my heart smile. There were numerous baptisms and confirmations as well. My favorite part was to see the candidates hugging their sponsors and each other after Mass. It is pure joy and such an awesome witness to those of us who sometimes take for granted the Sacraments of the Catholic Church.
Easter lunch meant business! I loved being able to help Suzanne prepare lunch. John and I fetched ice and a few other odds and ends early in the morning and then went back to the house for the real work. There was ham, shrimp, beef tenderloin, roasted carrots, salad, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, homemade bread, a cheese spread to die for and enough sweets to choke an elephant....and strawberry pie! Everything was delicious. My only complaint was that it went by so fast. It was fun but fast.
We ended the evening by watching the last couple holes of the Master's. GO BUBBA WATSON!! Oh my, Bubba has an fantastic story--personally and professionally. He is so deserving of the Master's title, and it was a great ending to Easter Sunday. The Easter season continues as we celebrate the our Resurrection of our Lord. Thank you God for the gift of your Son.
These photos are in no particular order!
Dad loves testing out his camera timer. I think we could have used a professional to pose us. |
"Cousin Table"--Unfortunately, there were only two cousins at lunch, so we let some aunts/uncles join us! |
"Adult Table"--Dining Room |
I thought it was pretty enough to get another angle. |
Famous Strawn's Strawberry Pie |
Like any good dermatologist's kid, I wore my sunscreen. |
This was a good day! |