Happy New Year! John and I already enjoyed a "first" for us--the baptism of our God daughter, Adeline Jean. We were thrilled to be asked to be her God parents and are honored to be a part of her faith formation. Monsignor Malone baptized her after the 6 PM Mass on Sunday, January 1. There was a good group of Terra Firma friends there to witness and support Adeline and her family. Elizabeth also had her two sisters and dad in from California. God bless this sweet baby girl! I might note that she giggled as Monsignor blessed her. She is precious.
As a re-cap to our New Year's Eve, we rang it in pretty low key with Sarah Beth and Mitchell Lowe. Their boys entertained us all evening, and we were heading home by 11 PM. We are so wild and crazy!
We spent the next two days taking down Christmas (I realize we are still in the Liturgical Christmas season, but with our house on the market, and work gearing back up....we had to take advantage of the free time and get the house back to "show ready"), writing up our 2012 resolutions, re-working our 2012 budget, and just getting ready for a fresh start that a new year brings.
The Jara family--including Elizabeth's sisters and dad along with John and I |
Monsignor Malone baptizes Adeline |
Presenting Adeline to the Infant Jesus on the altar. |